Elsie Font Free Download

The Elsie Font is a modern font family that is widely express the quality of serif fonts. Mr. Alejandro Inler has taken the charge for designing and releasing it for the first time in 2013.
He has worked on it likewise took enormous consideration for conveying the top-notch legibility even in a long text paragraph. In this way, it got too much popularity as per its splendid features.
According to its designer, “It combines the strength of Bodoni with the softness of italics. Sensitive, attractive, full of personality, innovative and subtle with both classic and new design features”.
Have a quick look at the font maps pictures we attach in here to get an overview of the elegance of this elegant font family. After that, you decided that you should be looking forward to it or not.
Elsie Font Family
It has come with four styles including Regular, Black, Swash-Caps Black, and Swash-Caps Regular. Regular and Black styles have contains more than 300 glyphs.
While the other two have contains approximately 270 number of glyphs. So, each and every glyph shows the unique appearance and impressive comprehensibility.
Here you will the Elsie Font Family easily after just click on a download button inserted below. After that, feel free to use this modest font according to your needs.
It has licensed under SIL, so it becomes a free font family for personal and commercial uses. And you will use it for different kind of tasks.
For example, you can use this awesome font for designing labels, logos, special event cards, business cards, hoardings, banners, as well as many related things.
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